All the episodes from all three seasons of the Japanese anime based in a world where the majority of the population possess superpowers known as Quirks. Student Izuku Midoriya (voice of Daiki Yamashita) dreams of one day becoming a hero despite the fact he doesn't have a Quirk. Determined to achieve his goals, Izuku attends The Hero Academy and soon catches the eye of renowned hero All Might (Kenta Miyake), who agrees to train him. Season 1 episodes are: 'Izuku Midoriya: Origin', 'What It Takes to Be a Hero', 'Roaring Muscles', 'Start Line', 'What I Can Do for Now', 'Rage, You Damned Nerd', 'Deku Vs Kacchan', 'Bakugo's Start Line', 'Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!', 'Encounter With the Unknown', 'Game Over', 'All Might' and 'In Each of Our Hearts'. Season 2 episodes are: 'That's the Idea, Ochaco', 'Roaring Sports Festival', 'In Their Own Quirky Ways', 'Strategy, Strategy, Strategy', 'Cavalry Battle Finale', 'The Boy Born With Everything', 'Victory Or Defeat', 'Battle On, Challengers!', 'Bakugo Vs Uraraka', 'Shoto Todoroki: Origin', 'Fight On, Iida', 'Todoroki Vs Bakugo', 'Time to Pick Some Names', 'Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears', 'Midoriya and Shigaraki', 'Hero Killer: Stain Vs U.A. Students', 'Climax', 'The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain', 'Everyone's Internships', 'Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past', 'Gear Up for Final Exams', 'Yaoyorozu: Rising', 'Stripping the Varnish', 'Katsuki Bakugo: Origin' and 'Encounter'. Season 3 episodes are: 'Game Start', 'Wild, Wild Pussycats', 'Kota', 'My Hero', 'Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!', 'Roaring Upheaval', 'What a Twist!', 'From Iida to Midoriya', 'All for One', 'Symbol of Peace', 'One for All', 'End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End', 'Moving Into Dorms', 'Create Those Ultimate Moves', 'The Test', 'Shiketsu High Lurking', 'Class 1-A', 'RUSH!', 'Rescue Exercises', 'Special Episode: Save the World With Love!', 'What's the Big Idea?', 'A Talk About Your Quirk', 'Deku Vs Kacchan, Part 2', 'A Season of Encounters' and 'Unrivaled'.