Episodes 119-148 of the Japanese anime that follows the adventures of 12-year-old Gon Freecss (voice of Megumi Han) as he sets out to become a hunter of monsters just like his estranged father. Gon teams up with Killua (Mariya Ise), and the pair seek employment as Hunters as well as pursuing further training opportunities.
The episodes are: 'Strong x Or x Weak', 'Fake x and x Real', 'Defeat x and x Dignity', 'Pose x and x Name', 'Centipede x and x Memory', 'Breakdown x and x Awakening', 'Great Power x and x Ultimate Power', 'Zero x and x Rose', 'Hostility x and x Determination', 'Unparalleled Joy x and x Unconditional Love', 'Formidable Enemy x and x Clear Objective', 'Magic x of x Despair', 'Anger x and x Light', 'Flash x and x Trigger', 'Deadline x to x Live', 'The Word x Is x That Person', 'This Day x and x This Moment', 'Homecoming x and x Real Name', 'Debate x Among x Zodiacs', 'Plea x and x Favor', 'Alluka x and x That Thing', 'Join Battle x and x Open Battle', 'Magician x and x Butler', 'Needle x and x Debt', 'Sin x and x Claw', 'Approval x and x Coalition', 'Defeat x and x Reunion', 'Chairman x and x Release', 'Salvation x and x Future' and 'Past x and x Future'.