All 37 episodes of the Japanese anime series based on the manga by Tsugumi Ohba. The series follows the work of the shinigamis, gods of death, who have the power to kill any person they want just as long as they write their name in the Death Note after the killing. When shinigami Ryuk (voice of Shidou Nakamura) gets bored of his lifestyle, he decides to see what a human would do with a Death Note and so places one in the human world.
The episodes are:
- 'Rebirth'
- 'Confrontation',
- 'Dealings',
- 'Pursuit',
- 'Tactics',
- 'Unravelling',
- 'Overcast',
- 'Glare',
- 'Encounter',
- 'Doubt',
- 'Assault',
- 'Love',
- 'Confession'
- 'Friend',
- 'Wager',
- 'Decision',
- 'Execution',
- 'Ally',
- 'Matsuda',
- 'Makeshift',
- 'Performance',
- 'Guidance',
- 'Frenzy',
- 'Revival',
- 'Silence',
- 'Renewal',
- 'Abduction',
- 'Impatience',
- 'Father',
- 'Justice',
- 'Transfer',
- 'Selection',
- 'Scorn',
- 'Vigilance',
- 'Malice',
- '1.28 (January 28)'
- 'New World'
Also included in the collection are two OVAs:
- 'Visions of a God: Relight'
- 'Relight 2: L's Successors'