Collection of two TV dramas based on stories by Stephen King. Set in the town of Castle Rock, Maine, 'Castle Rock' follows lawyer Henry Deaver (André Holland) as he returns to his hometown to investigate an incident at Shawshank State Penitentiary, where a mysterious inmate, known only as The Kid (Bill Skarsgård), asked for him personally. Back in Castle Rock, where people still blame him for his father's death, Henry is forced to confront his past as he tries to solve the increasing number of mysteries afflicting the town. The episodes are: 'Severance', 'Habeas Corpus', 'Local Color', 'The Box', 'Harvest', 'Filter', 'The Queen', 'Past Perfect', 'Henry Deaver' and 'Romans'. In 'The Outsider', set in Cherokee City, Georgia, Detective Ralph Anderson (Ben Mendelsohn) is tasked with investigating the gruesome murder of a young boy. Eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence lead to the arrest of youth baseball coach Terry Maitland (Jason Bateman). However, the discovery of conflicting evidence proves Terry's innocence, leading Ralph to enlist the help of private investigator Holly Gibney (Cynthia Erivo), who uncovers a disturbing pattern of killings across the country. The episodes are: 'Fish in a Barrel', 'Roanoke', 'Dark Uncle', 'Que Viene el Coco', 'Tear-Drinker', 'The One About the Yiddish Vampire', 'In the Pines, in the Pines', 'Foxhead', 'Tigers and Bears' and 'Must/Can't'.