All 16 episodes from the fourth season of the US drama following Bravo Team, an elite group of US Navy SEALs. Led by Master Chief Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz), the group undertake a number of dangerous missions all over the world. In this season, the team's globetrotting missions take them to locations including South Asia, Tunisia, Syria and Nigeria.
The episodes are:
- 'God of War'
- 'Forever War'
- 'The New Normal'
- 'Shockwave'
- 'The Carrot Or the Stick'
- 'Horror Has a Face'
- 'All In'
- 'Cover for Action'
- 'Reckoning'
- 'A Question of Honor'
- 'Limits of Loyalty'
- 'Rearview Mirror'
- 'Do No Harm'
- 'Hollow at the Core'
- 'Nightmare of My Choice'
- 'One Life to Live'