All 13 episodes from the first season of the teenage drama based on the Archie Comics characters. Set in the small US town of Riverdale, the show follows the students of Riverdale High, including sophomore Archie (K.J. Apa), Betty (Lili Reinhart), Jughead (Cole Sprouse), Veronica (Camila Mendes) and Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch), as they return to school after the shocking summer death of star quarterback Jason Blossom (Trevor Stines).
The episodes are:
- 'Chapter One: The River's Edge'
- 'Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil'
- 'Chapter Three: Body Double'
- 'Chapter Four: The Last Picture Show'
- 'Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness'
- 'Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!'
- 'Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place'
- 'Chapter Eight: The Outsiders'
- 'Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion'
- 'Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend'
- 'Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again'
- 'Chapter Twelve: Anatomy of a Murder'
- 'Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet Hereafter'