All 13 episodes from the third series of the rebooted animated family drama based on the comic strips and novels by Tove and Lars Jansson. The series follows the adventures of young Moomintroll (voice of Jack Rowan) and all his friends and family in the peaceful and picturesque Moominvalley. The cast also includes the voice talents of Rosamund Pike, Matt Berry and Warwick Davis.
The episodes are:
- 'Homecoming'
- 'Moomintroll's Grand Adventure'
- 'Brisk and Breezy'
- 'Inventing Snork'
- 'The Stinky Caper'
- 'Toffle's Tall Tales'
- 'Winter Secrets'
- 'Lonely Mountain'
- 'Mrs Fillyjonk's Last Hurrah'
- 'Snufkin and the Fairground'
- 'Call of the Hattifatteners'
- 'Moominmamma's Flying Dream'
- 'Midsummer Magic'.