All four seasons of the 1980s action crime drama about an ex-cop who is recruited into a covert crime fighting organisation. The series follows Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) and his car KITT that can think and act for itself as they fight crime and protect the innocent. Season 1 episodes are: 'Knight of the Phoenix', 'Deadly Maneuvers', 'Good Day at White Rock', 'Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular', 'Just My Bill', 'Not a Drop to Drink', 'No Big Thing', 'Trust Doesn't Rust', 'Inside Out', 'The Final Verdict', 'A Plush Ride', 'Forget Me Not', 'Hearts of Stone', 'Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death', 'The Topaz Connection', 'A Nice, Indecent Little Town', 'Chariot of Gold', 'White Bird', 'Knight Moves', 'Nobody Does It Better' and 'Short Notice'. Season 2 episodes are: 'Goliath: Part 1', 'Goliath: Part 2', 'Brother's Keeper', 'Merchants of Death', 'Blind Spot', 'Return to Cadiz', 'K.I.T.T. the Cat', 'Custom K.I.T.T.', 'Soul Survivor', 'Ring of Fire', 'Knightmares', 'Silent Knight', 'A Knight in Shining Armour', 'Diamonds Aren't a Girl's Best Friend', 'White-Line Warriors', 'Race for Life', 'Speed Demons', 'Goliath Returns', 'A Good Knight's Work', 'Mouth of the Snake', 'Let It Be Me' and 'Big Iron'. Season 3 episodes are: 'Knight of the Drones', 'The Ice Bandits', 'Knights of the Fast Lane', 'Halloween Knight', 'K.I.T.T. Vs K.A.R.R.', 'The Rotten Apples', 'Knight in Disgrace', 'Dead of Knight', 'Lost Knight', 'Knight of the Chameleon', 'Custom Made Killer', 'Knight By a Nose', 'Junk Yard Dog', 'Buy Out', 'Knightlines', 'The Nineteenth Hole', 'Knight & Knerd', 'Ten Wheel Trouble', 'Knight in Retreat', 'Knight Strike' and 'Circus Knights'. Season 4 episodes are: 'Knight of the Juggernaut', 'KITTnap', 'Sky Knight', 'Burial Ground', 'The Wrong Crowd', 'Knight Sting', 'Many Happy Returns', 'Knight Racer', 'Knight Behind Bars', 'Knight Song', 'The Scent of Roses', 'Killer K.I.T.T.', 'Out of the Woods', 'Deadly Knightshade', 'Redemption of a Champion', 'Knight of a Thousand Devils', 'Hills of Fire', 'Knight Flight to Freedom', 'Fright Knight', 'Knight of the Rising Sun' and 'Voo Doo Knight'.