All 25 episodes from the third season of the classic US cop show, following the cases of wheelchair-bound chief of detectives Robert T. Ironside (Raymond Burr). Paralysed by a sniper's bullet, the San Francisco Police Department's top detective is now head of his own special unit, ably assisted by sergeant Ed Brown (Don Galloway), policewoman Eve Whitfield (Barbara Anderson), and African-American ex-con Mark Sanger (Don Mitchell). The episodes are: 'Alias Mr. Braithwaite', 'Goodbye to Yesterday', 'Poole's Paradise', 'Eye of the Hurricane', 'A Bullet for Mark', 'Love My Enemy', 'Seeing Is Believing', 'The Machismo Bag', 'Programmed for Danger', 'Five Miles High', 'L'Chayim', 'Beyond a Shadow', 'Stolen On Demand', 'Dora', 'Beware the Wiles of the Stranger', 'Eden Is the Place We Leave', 'The Wrong Time, The Wrong Place', 'Return to Fiji', 'Ransom', 'One Hour to Kill', 'Warrior's Return', 'Little Jerry Jessup', 'Good Will Tour', 'Little Dog, Gone' and 'Tom Dayton Is Loose Among Us'.