Originally released in Ireland in 1997 and produced by heavyweights Paul Tipler and Jacknife Lee, 'Butterfly Effect' soon became the definitive Sack album that received great critical acclaim and regularly features on classic album lists within the Irish media. The album represents an era when Sack toured globally opening for Morrissey who at the time said their single "Laughter Lines"…"should be Number One forever".
Now long out of print the demand for a reissue has been greatly anticipated among fans of the band including many established media professionals.
2022 sees the 25th anniversary of the album's release, which has coincided perfectly with band's reformation, live dates and a very successful promotional campaign with "What A Way To Live", which resulted in a radio hit in Ireland.
To celebrate this re-activation the band have teamed up with Dimple Discs Records to reissue the newly remastered album on multiple formats including the first ever vinyl release to satisfy the demand of the band's fans.
1. Climb Mine Powerhouse 05:08
2. Latitude 04:33
3. Laughter Lines 04:19
4. Sleeping On The Floor 03:46
5. Nothing Stays The Same Forever 02:39
6. Blood Lover 02:53
7. I've Heard You Singing 02:48
8. Latter Day Saint 02:42
9. Beginner's Luck 04:35
10. Angel 03:49
11. Shopsoiled 04:46
12. Talafornia 01:58
13. Wish You Were Here 04:03
14. A Sunny Day 03:59