All 25 episodes from the first and second seasons of the Japanese anime that follows members of the Armed Detective Agency as they battle foes with supernatural abilities in the city of Yokohama. Atsushi Nakajima (voice of Yuto Uemura) is kicked out of his orphanage because of his ability to turn into a fierce tiger during the night. However, after Atsushi prevents a detective named Osamu Dazai (Mamoru Miyano) from committing suicide, his abilities are put to good use when he is given a role within Dazai's Detective Agency. Season 1 episodes are: 'Fortune Is Unpredictable and Mutable', 'A Certain Bomb', 'Yokohama Gangster Paradise', 'The Tragedy of the Fatalist', 'Murder On D Street', 'The Azure Messenger', 'Love for the Disease Called Ideals', 'Teaching Them to Kill; Then to Die', 'The Beauty Is Quiet Like a Stone Statue', 'Rashoumon and the Tiger', 'First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her. Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency' and 'Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past'. Season 2 episodes are: 'The Dark Age', 'Nowhere to Return', 'A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean', 'Bungo Stray Dogs', 'Three Companies Conflict', 'The Strategy of Conflict', 'Will of Tycoon', 'Though the Mind May Be Wrong', 'Double Black', 'Poe and Rampo', 'Rashoumon, the Tiger, and the Last Emperor', 'If I May Shed Away My Burden Now' and the OVA 'He Walks Alone'.