All 23 episodes of the classic American television detective drama series, starring James Garner as Jim Rockford, the laid-back ex-con turned private investigator. In this season, a young man hires Jim to solve the murder of his parents, Jim helps a journalist track down her missing friend, and has difficulties delivering an inheritance to a young woman in Las Vegas. The episodes are: 'The Kirkoff Case', 'The Dark and Bloody Ground', 'The Countess', 'Exit Prentiss Carr', 'Tall Woman in Red Wagon', 'This Case Is Closed: Part 1', 'This Case Is Closed: Part 2', 'The Big Rip-Off', 'Find Me If You Can', 'In Pursuit of Carol Thorne', 'The Dexter Crisis', 'Caledonia - It's Worth a Fortune', 'Profit and Loss: Part 1', 'Profit and Loss: Part 2', 'Aura Lee, Farewell', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Counter Gambit', 'Claire', 'Say Goodbye to Jennifer', 'Charlie Harris at Large', 'The Four Pound Brick', 'Just By Accident' and 'Roundabout'.