All 26 episodes from the fourth season of the children's animation following the adventures of a young boy and a magic dog in a post-apocalyptic world. Finn (voice of Jeremy Shada) is a human teenager whose canine best friend Jake (John DiMaggio) has special powers that enable him to change shape and size. They go on adventures together in the Land of Ooo which is also home to Princess Bubblegum (Hynden Walch), Marceline the Vampire Queen (Olivia Olson) and the Ice King (Tom Kenny). The episodes are: 'Hot to the Touch', 'Five Short Graybles', 'Web Weirdos', 'Dream of Love', 'Return to the Nightosphere', 'Daddy's Little Monster', 'In Your Footsteps', 'Hug Wolf', 'Princess Monster Wife', 'Goliad', 'Beyond This Earthly Realm', 'Gotcha!', 'Princess Cookie', 'Card Wars', 'Sons of Mars', 'Burning Low', 'BMO Noire', 'King Worm', 'Lady & Peebles', 'You Made Me', 'Who Would Win', 'Ignition Point', 'The Hard Easy', 'Reign of Gunters', 'I Remember You', and 'The Lich'.