All 65 episodes from all seven seasons of the US political comedy spin-off of British show 'The Thick of It', created by Armando Iannucci and starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus. The series follows Vice President Selina Meyer (Louis-Dreyfus), assisted by her personnel, which include Chief of Staff Amy Brookheimer (Anna Chlumsky) and personal assistant Gary Walsh (Tony Hale), as she goes about her daily business in Office. However, things are rarely plain sailing in both Selina's professional and private life. Season 1 episodes are: 'Fundraiser', 'Frozen Yoghurt', 'Catherine', 'Chung', 'Nicknames', 'Baseball', 'Full Disclosure' and 'Tears'. Season 2 episodes are: 'Midterms', 'Signals', 'Hostages', 'The Vic Allen Dinner', 'Helsinki', 'Andrew', 'Shutdown', 'First Response', 'Running' and 'D.C.'. Season 3 episodes are: 'Some New Beginnings', 'The Choice', 'Alicia', 'Clovis', 'Fishing', 'Detroit', 'Special Relationship', 'Debate', 'Crate' and 'New Hampshire'. Season 4 episodes are: 'Joint Session', 'East Wing', 'Data', 'Tehran', 'Convention', 'Storms and Pancakes', 'Mommy Meyer', 'B/ill', 'Testimony' and 'Election Night'. Season 5 episodes are: 'Morning After', 'Nev-AD-a', 'The Eagle', 'Mother', 'Thanksgiving', 'C**tgate', 'Congressional Ball', 'Camp David', 'Kissing Your Sister' and 'Inauguration'. Season 6 episodes are: 'Omaha', 'Library', 'Georgia', 'Justice', 'Chicklet', 'Qatar', 'Blurb', 'Judge', 'A Woman First' and 'Groundbreaking'. Season 7 episodes are: 'Iowa', 'Discovery Weekend', 'Pledge', 'South Carolina', 'Super Tuesday', 'Oslo' and 'Veep'.