All four seasons of the US drama (based on the Danish TV series) following the aftermath of the murder of a teenage girl in Seattle. Mireille Enos stars as the detective assigned to the case. Series 1 episodes are: 'Pilot', 'The Cage', 'El Diablo', 'A Soundless Echo', 'Super 8', 'What You Have Left', 'Vengeance', 'Stonewalled', 'Undertow', 'I'll Let You Know When I Get There', 'Missing', 'Beau Soleil' and 'Orpheus Descending'. Series 2 episodes are: 'Reflections', 'My Lucky Day', 'Numb', 'Ogi Jun', 'Ghosts of the Past', 'Openings', 'Keylela', 'Off the Reservation', 'Sayonara, Hiawatha', '72 Hours', 'Bulldog', 'Donnie Or Marie' and 'What I Know'. Series 3 episodes are: 'The Jungle', 'That You Fear the Most', 'Seventeen', 'Head Shots', 'Scared and Running', 'Eminent Domain', 'Hope Kills', 'Try', 'Reckoning', 'Six Minutes', 'From Up Here' and 'The Road to Hamelin'. Series 4 episodes are: 'Blood in the Water', 'Unraveling', 'The Good Soldier', 'Dream Baby Dream', 'Truth Asunder' and 'Eden'.