Complete series of the 1980s ITV comedy series 'Fresh Fields' and its sequel 'French Fields'. Both shows star Anton Rodgers and Julia McKenzie as William and Hester Fields, a middle-aged couple determined to keep the ageing process at bay. 'French Fields' follows the attempts of the couple to adjust to another culture upon their relocation to France.
Episodes comprise: 'Dish of the Day', 'Middle-Age Dread', 'Hook, Line and Sink Her', 'The Naked Truth', 'Des Det Res', 'Something in the Oven', 'A Night to Remember', 'A Brief Encounter', 'Alright On the Night', 'In the Spring', 'Business Contacts', 'Get Me to the Church', 'Do It Yourself', 'A Waiting Game', 'Moveable Feasts', 'Tipping the Scales', 'Crossed Lines', 'Alarms and Excursions', 'A Dickens of a Christmas', 'A Nose for Trouble', 'The Old Folks at Home', 'One Damned Ming After Another', 'Life Is Full of Ups and Downs', 'Takes Two to Tango', 'Caught in the Act', 'Brighton Or Bust', 'Happy Returns', 'Chunnel Vision', 'William the Conquered', 'A Moving Experience', 'Ou est la Plumber de ma tante?', 'Who's Been Eating My Porridge?', 'Le Week-End', 'Long Legged Beasties and Things That Go Bump in the Night', 'Inside Story', 'Sheep May Safely Graze', 'Home and Away', 'Sale Or Return', 'Double Or Quilt', 'Noel Noel', 'French With Tears', 'The Merry, Merry Pipes', 'Make for the Hills', 'Surprise, Surprise', 'Darling Daughters' and 'Hail and Farewell'.