Every episode of the ITV sitcom starring Prunella Scales as Sarah France, a middle-aged, middle-class woman who finds herself sharing a house with her demanding mother Eleanor (Joan Sanderson) and prickly adolescent daughter Clare (Janine Wood) following the death of her husband Henry. An often volatile atmosphere prevails as the three generations of women try to find a way to cope with each other as best they can.
Series 1 episodes are: 'The Older Man', 'Phone Calls', 'The Teapot', 'Security', 'Romantic Complications' and 'The Birthday'.
Series 2 episodes are: 'A Quiet Christmas', 'Intellectual Aspirations', 'Open Secrets', 'Memory Games', 'The Cold', 'Wedding Bells', 'Lines of Communication', 'Gossip', 'Out On a Limb', 'Upstagers', 'Idle Speculation', 'Efficiency' and 'Going Away'.
Series 3 episodes are: 'A Week of Sundays', 'Mr Right', 'Curiosity', 'Home Comforts', 'Relative Movement', 'The Dinner Party', 'Mr Fixit', 'Charity', 'The Mysterious Affair at Bygone Books', 'Party Politics', 'Unforeseen Circumstances', 'Family Album' and 'Last Chances'.
Series 4 episodes are: 'Dependent Relatives', 'Poor Relations', 'A Fully Extended Family', 'Yes and No', 'The Married Man' and 'The Other Married Man'.