The first 16 episodes from the final season of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Hajime Isayama. When a flesh-eating Titan breaches one of the perimeter walls designed to protect humanity, a war breaks out between them. Eren Jaeger (voice of Yuki Kaji), Mikasa Ackerman (Yui Ishikawa) and Armin Arlelt (Marina Inoue) join an elite squad of soldiers under the command of Levi Ackerman (Hiroshi Kamiya), tasked with eradicating the man-eating humanoids. In this season, Marley and the Paradis forces go to war with both sides taking heavy losses.
The episodes are:
- 'The Other Side of the Sea'
- 'Midnight Train'
- 'The Door of Hope'
- 'From One Hand to Another'
- 'Declaration of War'
- 'The War Hammer Titan'
- 'Assault'
- 'Assassin's Bullet'
- 'Brave Volunteers'
- 'A Sound Argument'
- , 'Deceiver'
- 'Guides'
- 'Children of the Forest'
- 'Savagery'
- 'Sole Salvation'
- 'Above and Below'