S1: Loosely inspired by Jake Adelstein's non-fiction first-hand account, the crime drama series Tokyo Vice follows the young American journalist's (played by Ansel Elgort) rapid descent into Tokyo's neon-soaked underbelly in the late `90s. Hired as prestigious newspaper Meicho Shimbun's first American crime reporter, Adelstein soon finds himself covering seemingly unrelated cases - but quickly grows suspicious that more nefarious forces are at play. After embedding himself into the Tokyo Metro PD, alongside Detective Hiroto Katagiri (Ken Watanabe), Adelstein is thrust into a seedy, fast-paced world of corruption, crime, and deception, where nothing and no one are what they seem.
S2: Filmed on location and loosely inspired by American journalist Jake Adelstein's firsthand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat, this crime drama series follows Adelstein (played by Ansel Elgort) as he descends into the neon-soaked underbelly of Tokyo in 2000. After being hired as prestigious newspaper Meicho Shimbun's first American crime reporter, Jake quickly embeds himself alongside Detective Hiroto Katagiri (Ken Watanabe). As he's thrust deeply into the city's criminal underworld, Adelstein comes to realize that his life, and the lives of those close to him, are in terrible danger.